Solutions for Agile methodology

Perforce source code management (SCM) stands at the heart of a development team using Agile methodologies and tools.


Guide for an effective collaboration team


Perforce Streams are innovative add-ons to branches and merging functionalities. If it´s needed to avoid initiations efforts, simplify common processes and increase agility then use Streams.

Streams provide an acceptable and efficient workflow for teams, code reuse, automatic branches integration, fast context change, efficient workspace updating and graphic branching views. While sharing version system control this logistic, users can concentrate in their jobs. In big data volume projects, save time and efficiency are to be considered.


Continuous integration


Perforce supports an independent iterative and continuous development of the workflow. With Perforce it is possible:

  • Build and confirm a partial job from a private workspace before merging them in the mainline.
  • Execute automatic compilations and test specific branches once merged.
  • Improve software quality and publishing time needed.

Popular tools –as Electric Commander of Electric Cloud, Parabuild of Viewtier and Anthill Pro of UrbanCode- support Perforce integration.


Make flexible and fast branches in a fearless way.

Branches should not be avoid because VCS limitations. While many alternative technologies misname branches, Perforce style is natural according the way users create branches without VCS support. Content integration from a set to another can be automatically managed by Perforce or manually by developers.


Transparent Developing


Every Perforce client allow to update projects and understand the reasons and consequences of a change when and wherever is produced.

Perforce multiplatform visual client works bond to the basis of the operating system and offers a common interface to:

  • See pending and sent changelist.
  • Display representations of branches history.
  • Understand merging context quickly.


Extended IDEs integration.

A developer can comfortably modify a file using Perforce from his preferred IDE, including Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse and many others.

Graphic artist and such creators can also modify their work and create new versions from graphic applications like Photoshop and Maya or Microsoft Office. As integrations take part of Perforce, should never pay an extra price for that.

 Architecture for Agile development

Find here the complete solution developed by ds data systems for Agile development, which integrates Perforce, Eclipse, Jira, Fisheye, Jenkins & ant.