Services portfolio
DS Data Systems provides these services:
Open database area:
- Support contracts for MySQL & MariaDB
- Consulting and engineering for high availability solutions (MHA, DRBD, Tungsten, NDB)
- Replication & DR
Source code management:
- Integration of Perforce and other components
- On-site or SaaS of A41 solution for Agile development environment & Continuous Delivery
- Migration to Perforce from other SCMs
- Depot reorganization
Oracle database:
- Replication solutions for DR and HA
- Replication from SPARC to x86 (i.e. AWS)
- Integration with Amazon Web Services
1st, 2nd and 3rd level support:
- Perforce
- SkySQL
Training, both on-site or in our facilities:
- User and administration degrees in Perforce
- High availability and advanced administration degrees in SkySQL
ERP, CRM, Ecommerce, Human Resource, other Apps targeted to companies management:
- Implementatión either in Cloud or on Premise
- You can deploy the products in one of our Cloud instances, customized with your language and your Legal Regulations
The customer can subcontract our specialized technicians for works of:
- Systems and infrastructure Administration
- Application development, Tests and quality control